AgentLinkus Real Estate Forums

Friday, September 12, 2014

I recently closed a transaction with a Broker that works at a franchise, a franchise I am fond of. She had told me that she was looking to complete her transaction file and asked me to resend some executed documents to her.

I use paperless pipeline, which is an online transaction management program (which I love, by the way). It enables me to review my Agents transaction files very quickly, and gives us all online access to each of our individual transactions from our desktops, Iphones, Ipads, laptops, whatever. I told her that it was no problem, and I pulled over on the side of the road and emailed her the documents. She went on to say something along the lines of that she does not get paid until her transaction file is complete. I responded by telling her my office operates the same way, so I relate to the importance of having a complete file. Her reaction was a laugh, and she said "ya right!"

I had to ask, because I that kind of comment instantly got my defenses up. I asked her what the reaction was for? She responded by telling me that I have a small company, that I don't have to jump through the same hoops. I was shocked. What does she think, small companies do not follow the same rules and large Real Estate Companies? It is more than a little insulting, and completely untrue.

The truth of the matter is, I have noticed I am probably more diligent about my paperwork, and my Agents paperwork than most. I am organized by nature, and I am keenly aware of the Real Estate Agency rules, standard practice, and requirements.

Let's not go through life making assumptions about people because of their size, LOL!

Have you had an experience like this?

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